A profound statement in itself, but it does explain the very essence of Cardiac Transplantation. The heart must be dysfunctional enough that it seriously impairs the quality of life
The heart has four one way valves arranged in ‘series’ that help guide blood flow in the normal direction without posing obstruction.
I am no longer surprised when I hear patients begging for a stent just as the doctors inform them that they require a Bypass Operation.
50 year old Ravinder came to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital with breathing difficulty. He was diagnosed with cardiogenic shock, heart failure and severe chest congestion
Mujhe cheer phaad nahin chhahiye” (I don’t want to be torn apart) is a common refrain of some of my patients. Patients get scared and discouraged
Sunita looks stronger than ever, she came to the hospital on her transplant anniversary with a cake to thank the large team of my hospital. We know that patients who cross
Hypertrophic = Large size; Obstructive = narrowing causing obstruction; Cardiomyopathy = Affliction of the heart. HOCM is an affliction of the heart
Any of the heart diseases can make a heart very weak and make it weak enough to lose its ability to pump enough blood to the body. Many people don’t even get to know that they have a weak heart till late because
Copyright by Dr. Sujay Shad 2020-2022. All rights reserved.
Copyright by Dr. Sujay Shad 2020-2022. All rights reserved.