

Heart attack with ecg image

IN JANUARY, AFTER Indian cricket star Sourav Ganguly suffered a heart attack and had to undergo a procedure to remove blockage in coronary arteries, two runners in their late 40s

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In a heart transplant, the norm is to perform five complete anastomoses — surgical connections between arteries and veins of the heart But because the doctors were running


For six months, 57-year-old Girdhar Singh was on a wing and a prayer. On a high priority list for a cadaveric heart for transplant,

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A 61 year old heart failure patient when investigated at Sir Ganga Ram hospital, New Delhi, was found to have chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

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"For four days, Ravinder Kumar (52) lived without a heart, literally. In order to repair a serious defect in his valves, doctors had to replace the organ — which was too weak to even pump blood


"She’ll never be told who the donor is, but Sunita Devi (44) is grateful to the person whose heart is now pumping her blood and keeping her alive.

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Copyright by Dr. Sujay Shad 2020-2022. All rights reserved.

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