
Who needs a heart transplant?

Who needs a heart transplant

Date:  August 2, 2012.

“An otherwise well person, whose heart can no longer keep him (or her) alive and healthy.”

A profound statement in itself, but it does explain the very essence of Cardiac Transplantation. The heart must be dysfunctional enough that it seriously impairs the quality of life and is also a threat to life. For a patient who is unlikely to live a year with his or her heart a change of heart i.e. heart transplant is perfectly reasonable.

We have predictive models that can accurately determine whether a particular patient should be considered for a transplant. One of these is the Heart Failure Severity score (HFSS).

The heart failure patient being considered for a transplant should be otherwise healthy; the other organ systems should be in good health, such that they support a good and long life after a successful transplant.

One can consult the top heart transplant doctor in Delhi, Dr. Sujay Shad at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

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Copyright by Dr. Sujay Shad 2020-2022. All rights reserved.

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