

Heart failure is a common health concern that affects millions globally. It is a condition in which the heart is not able to pump effectively the oxygen-rich blood that is required by the body.

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Learn about heart failure: its causes, symptoms, risks, and advanced treatment options.
Consult Dr. Sujay Shad at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi, the best hospital for heart surgery in Delhi, for life-saving heart surgeries and treatment.

The health sector is a progressively growing field in India. Over the years, many advancements have shown up in the health industry,

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Winter months are cooler and drops in temperatures do come with health problems such as  common cold and flu.

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Dr. Sujay Shad, a heart doctor in Delhi, shares insights on the correlation between cold weather and cardiovascular disease.

Why Bypass Surgery Has Become Common in India: Comparison Between Bypass Surgery Versus Stenting

The heart has three arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscles. There are two main coronary arteries originating from the root of the aorta: The left coronary artery and the Right coronary artery…

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Doctors around the world have reported rising death cases resulting from cardiac problems. Many Indians are suffering from heart diseases nowadays because most of them are affected by metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension…

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Why is Sir Ganga Ram Hospital one of the Best Heart Hospital In Delhi, India?

Everybody Helped To Save Planning Commission Staffer

59 years old Mr. Rohtas was on his way to his office by Delhi’s Metro when he felt a gnawing pain in his chest. This was unlike any pain he might have suffered in the past and forced him to sit. He mentioned it to his fellow passengers

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Cardiac Surgery started in the backdrop of significant difficulties in the early 20th century. Statements like ‘whosoever would operate upon the heart is out of his mind and should be banished from the surgical

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Myths about Cardiac Surgery

Heart Surgery

People often wonder as to how long the benefits of ‘Coronary Bypass Surgery’ would last. This is certainly more so for the heart patients who have had a heart bypass operation, angioplasty or stenting.

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Patients know that for most heart operations a substantial incision with division of the breast bone (sternum) is needed in the middle of the chest. This incision is nearly one and a half times that of a caesarean section.

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Heart Surgery

Heart Surgery

‘Sorry Honey just had a heart bypass!’ One would imagine a standard refrain that one would use to avoid sex.Not true! Fact is most people continue to have either similar or near enough similar/ somewhat improved sex life after heart operations.

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Copyright by Dr. Sujay Shad 2020-2022. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Dr. Sujay Shad 2020-2022. All rights reserved.

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