Surgery saves man with rare genetic defect
Arvind Tomar used to receive compliments for his good height and sharp features.

Surgery saves man with rare genetic defect

Surgery saves man with rare genetic defect
April 29, 2012 by drsujayshad0

Arvind Tomar used to receive compliments for his good height and sharp features. Tomar (29) is six feet and two inches tall, his limbs have always been large, and there is an unusual flexibility of joints, unlike his siblings. However, he started to experience palpitations and breathlessness recently, and was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome-a rare genetic disorder of the connective tissues that affects organ systems throughout the body. It impacts the heart, eyes, lungs, blood vessels as well as the nervous system.

Tomar could be saved thanks to a recent surgery by doctors at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. “Not just limbs, even his heart was bigger in size. The aorta, which is the main blood vessel that takes blood from the heart to the body, was on the verge of getting ruptured. A nine-hour-long surgery, which involved removal of the aortic aneurysm and the heart valve and replacing it with a graft, was conducted,” said Dr Sujay Shad, senior cardiac surgeon.

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