In a rare surgery, doctors unclog 11-year-old’s heart
"In a pathbreaking cardiac surgery, doctors at a city hospital have successfully removed over 20gm

In a rare surgery, doctors unclog 11-year-old’s heart

In a rare surgery, doctors unclog 11-year-old’s heart
August 3, 2010 by drsujayshad0

“In a pathbreaking cardiac surgery, doctors at a city hospital have successfully removed over 20gm of muscle bulge from the outlet of the heart of an 11-year-old boy.

The bulge was obstructing the flow of blood from Ravi Ramola’s heart to other parts of the body due to which his physical growth was affected. Doctors at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, who performed the surgery, said such an obstruction could even lead to sudden heart failure.

According to doctors, the treatment procedure extended septal myectomy applied to remove the muscle bulge in Ravi’s case was performed for the first time in India. “In the standard procedure for removal of muscle bulge, the resection is partial. But through this surgery we have been able to completely resect the muscle bulge. Now, Ravi can live a healthy life,” said Dr Sujay Shad, senior consultant cardiac surgeon, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, where Ravi was referred from a hospital in his hometown in Uttarakhand.”

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