Massive Aortic Aneurysm: surgery is the only option

Massive Aortic Aneurysm: surgery is the only option

Massive Aortic Aneurysm: surgery is the only option

Date: December 28, 2012

About a month ago 29 year old father of three young kids came to my hospital seeking treatment for a massive ascending aortic aneurysm. While aortic root replacement is a large operation, Arvind Tomar’s case was more complicated because his severe heart failure had already caused lung failure, kidney failure and liver failure. We went ahead with his operation despite multiorgan failure. With the correction of his heart condition, his other organs also started improving rapidly. 3 weeks post-op, and he’s fit as ever.

Link to the story.


Arvind Tomar after a routine follow up. We have enough evidence to believe his heart won’t trouble him any more.

Copyright by Dr. Sujay Shad 2020-2022. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Dr. Sujay Shad 2020-2022. All rights reserved.

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